E-Commerce Evolves the Supply Chain

“Two-week and seven-day shipping options just don’t cut it anymore,” says Brad Rollo, CEO of GoFor. “Last-mile logistics specifically have become even more important because customers are expecting deliveries same-day or even within a few hours. On-demand and express delivery solutions are also evolving because the technology necessary to provide fast last-mile delivery needs to allow for complexity, personalization and scale. The gig economy has become even more important to the logistics industry, especially for last mile, because it allows for heightened service levels for retailers of any size.
“It is now feasible for businesses to be able to provide Amazon-level speed and sophistication in their delivery, driving down costs and increasing efficiency compared to traditional shipping options,” adds Rollo.
Not only is detailed and real-time visibility imperative in business-to-business operations today as well as in consumer-facing platforms, but proof-of-delivery is now extremely necessary in the last-mile.
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