putting words into action

Reliable service, professional drivers, carbon free delivery. It’s who we are.

our commitment to deliver better

We know the expectations. Your customers want it all; price, speed, convenience. We want to help you give it to them. In fact, our mission is not only to deliver on those expectations but deliver better. Through innovative real time logistic innovations, personalized service provided by our dedicated team and professional drivers, and a renewable delivery™ model that offers reliability with a carbon free last mile. That’s how we deliver better.


Our leadership is committed to a new vision of the last mile. One that strengthens our communities, while empowering drivers and our employees. Our management team has ample experience in logistics, sustainability, and the start up mindset that embraces disruption and positive change.   

Paula Acosta

director of driver happiness

Dillon McDonald

chief executive officer

Paul McLean

evp, sales and operations

Taher Sakalla

director of operations

Sara Smith

manager of sales operations and customer experience

Gemma Stainke

director of finance

Thelma Trujillo

director of account management

James Vanderzanden

customer solutions consultant

We’re at a crossroads. We can continue down the same path and perpetuate the problems.  Or we can deliver better.  We can deliver a new model for the industry that invests in our people, is more sustainable,  and includes the people and places we impact.  Our success will be measured not only in deliveries or profit but in our stewardship of our communities, with a responsibility to ensure their prosperity and sustained health. 

Dillon McDonald, CEO of gofor

our story

Throughout our history, we’ve always acted on a determined point of view to change how delivery is done.  

It started when our cofounder was working as a contractor in the construction industry. He experienced slow and incomplete jobsite deliveries firsthand. He wrote his thoughts on changing the delivery industry on a cocktail napkin and that led to gofor being an innovative solution for what was a common, but underserved, industry challenge. 

Today, we honor that innovative approach with a new vision that will change how the industry will approach the last mile. Over the past year, we have rededicated the company to deliver better and to improve communities while meeting customer needs.   

This has led to swift growth with millions in venture capital financing. Our approach has helped gofor remain a trusted partner for retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and logistics companies across North America, while doing our job with sustainability, service, and innovation in mind.

We are a proud member of the Tompkins Ventures Consortium which provides operational strategy and execution guidance for virtually every business process.

Learn more here…

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